The Product Hub of Stanford Students

LIGHTNING FAST (10 second read)

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What is it?

We are creating Stanford’s go-to place for future founders to make building side-projects into a persistent, achievable habit.

What have I done?

I co-founded the Product Hub for Stanford Students and head The Creator's Community wing, collaborating with Joshua Dong and Marina Takehana.

PRETTY QUICK (30 second read)

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What is it?

For aspiring founders at Stanford who want to learn through side-projects but feel they don’t create enough of them, the Creator’s Community is a tribe that turns working on side-projects into an achievable habit.

Unlike going it alone and trying to rely on self-motivation or class projects, the Creator’s Community helps you conceive of and commit to a project for one month, break it down into realisable milestones and celebrate what you learned.

What have I done?

Every day I work to grow and improve the community. Our first ‘Gap Month’ of 3 themed houses and 15 total future founders wrapped in November 2020. As of December 2020, we are using the feedback to improve the community and interview new aspiring founders for admission to the second Gap Month.

To create this format, I conducted needs-finding interviews with tens of Stanford builders alongside Joshua Dong and Marina Takehana.

I then lead design thinking-inspired sessions to design our framework for the club. With it, we created the Gap Month system.

DETAILED (60 second read)

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What is it?

We run four-week long 'Gap Months'. Stanford students are busy, but many are keen to work towards their goal of becoming a founder.

The Gap Month name asks the question: if you had an actual gap month, what would you do with this time?

Now go do that during school time!

Our creators are sorted into themed houses - 5 people in each house. Housemates meet up once a week over a 'water cooler chat', where they share war stories and pleasant surprises encountered in their project.

Creators use 'The Coffee Maker', a task tracker we created, to keep their ambition, milestones and tasks up to date. This helps them to track their project momentum - how much time they spent AND what progress they made.